Tuesday, December 1, 2009

19 vs 29

I was left, “On my knees, with my head in my hands”… good old Gwen, I thought that I couldn’t survive and yet here I am… Looking back on it all...

19.1: I wanted a 25” waste line to impress the boys…
29.1: Fuck the bullshit! Appreciate it or go fuck an inexperienced 19 year-old; this time it’s all about me!

19.2: Make-up got me into places…
29.2: Hard earned wrinkles do!

19.3: I wanted to change the world…
29.3: I’ve realized the world has changed me

19.4: I’d say “fuck off” and bow my head and cry when they’d walk away…
29.4: LMFAO! Tears are for people who know my worth! Today, "FUCK OFF" means just that!

19.5: I was terrified of rejection…
29.5: Thanks for improving my short list!

19.6: I wondered, “Do I call, don't I?"...
29.6: Fuck the bullshit, he’s hot! Let’s see if he belongs on the short list!

19.7: Someone would laugh at me and it'd cause insecurities...
29.7: LMAO! I stay quiet and think, “You’re a fuckin’ idiot!”

19.8: Boys were toys…
29.8: Boys are still toys! Men are to be appreciated!

19.9: When someone walked away I would think I was missing out...
29.9: I've realize, "they're" missing out!

19.10: I thought I was in “their” world...
29.10: Bullshit, “they’re” lost as fuck in mine, and I’m not givin’ em a map or directions… If “they” belong on the short list, they’ll find a way to my heart!

19.11: I had to see my friends everyday or at least talk to em'...
29.11: I’ve realized that true friendship transcends all time and space!

19.12: I needed people…
29.12: I have earned the privilege of wanting people in my life and no longer needing them!

19.13: I thought I had all the answers…
29.13: I’ve got about 65% of them and I ain’t sharing!

19.14: I was unbreakable…
29.14: I live in a glass house and life doesn’t always throw roses my way… I now know that it’s time to get the fuck up, appreciate the blood, tears, bruises, and scratches and for the love of God – I gotta clean up this fuckin’ mess!

19.15: I wanted the bruises and my scratches to heal... ah, vanity...
29.15: Fuck vanity! I want all those bitches there! They’re my war wounds and they help ease the blow the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 10th time around!

19.16: I was prideful…
29.16: I’m confident!

19.17: I would’ve done anything for the person I loved...
29.17: True love does not require sacrifice, that was my for ego, it requires compromise, compatibility, maturity, acceptance, space, time, and more compromise!

19.18: I was a victim of life…
29.18: I’m a survivor of my own destiny!

19.19: I wanted to capture him with my looks...
29.19: I’m intriguing and that’s what captures the soul!

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